Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Asking the Devil to Dance....

I have for the longest time I have been in the process of embracing the devil! I took a long hard look at it and loved it to death. (quite literally actually)....now for those of you that are praying for my soul and are scared of the fire breathing beast with horns and pitchfork…. I have but one thing to say,  "God bless you, because that is not what I meant."
The devil I'm referring to is the one that Jesus and every great master teacher before and after tried to tell you about....yes the devil is a liar, the anti-force we call “the ego” that thing that makes false promises based on lies, pain, anger, loneliness, pride whatever works. That devil is the opposing force that keeps us trapped in a jail of our own making. This thing that kept me from the peace and happiness I feel now....is a liar. It got stronger with every resentment, every painful memory or unresolved lesson. It grew and created a series of ups and down, a false sense of security, a growing emptiness that I attempted to fill with knowledge, material things, work, even religion...anything and everything that could possibly fill the void.  
Until I reached the realization that nothing was gong to fill it.  This was the point in my life, that I decided to turn back towards the devil and I asked it to dance.  I told it "you know what, never been scared of the religious description of you, hell and fire ha...I ate that for breakfast during my childhood and infancy!!!! So then, what are you really...? because I'm tired of this ridiculous roller coaster ride and it's high time to face you."
 So I did what everyone has been saying for years and I dove back into myself. I faced myself, looked into the mirror and looked right into the devil's eyes. I looked under every nook and cranny for my inner child, for every painful thing I buried, for every resentment until the reflection in the mirror was finally my own. I faced my ego, the demon within and loved it to death....I loved it until my own daughter didn't recognize me....until nothing hurt, until there was nothing left to hide or feel guilty about until the only thing left was my self....without hidden pain anger or resentment, even the weight that enjoys playing yo-yo with me is gone.
This me ....this beautiful me... is free and in love with everything that got me here. This place.... where I ask and it is given, this peaceful tranquil energy that makes me want to thank God for every breath. This place that is always warm, cozy and satisfied .... This beautiful dimension called heaven...my only prayer is that everyone have the courage to forgive the past, forgive anything and everything you can remember and everything you can't remember....simply by setting the intention......

 Dare to break free from the illusion, into the darkness, into the hell of your own making and walk right into the paradise within! To walk the spiritual path in earnest is to find out what we're made of and how much we are truly willing to give up in order to come to the end of the division within ourselves.  The price for that kind of profound and deeply liberating simplicity is too high for most, because that price is ego death... That means dealing with all of our being, to purify ourselves from every attachment, gross and subtle, to the narcissistic ego, that demon of false individuality that masquerades as our own self and whose task it is to keep us, at all costs, separate from our own heart.

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