Tuesday, February 17, 2015


I thought it would be good to write about these NAACAL people who are called the “hidden ones" and a little more about their origins and history.  They are part of the lost continent of MU and the MU civilization.  A ancient part of our history few people know anything about.
Most of the information concerning the Lost Continent of Mu and the Mu civilization were brought to light because of studies made by the British researcher James Churchward during the 19th century. After retiring, he continued his research in Central America and wrote five books about the lost continent. The source of Churchward’s theories were the “Naacal Tablets,” which had been given to him by the high priest of a monastery in Western Tibet, and a collection of tablets that was uncovered by US Geologist William Niven in central america in 1921–23.  
Another source was Augustus LePlongeon, one of the seminal Central American explorers. In the 1870s he mastered the Maya language and claimed to have found an inscription at Uxmal that commemorated the destruction of a great island empire that was the origin of civilization. Contrary to the prevailing wisdom of the time, LePiongeon passionately argued regular communícation among the Americas, Asia, Europe and Africa.  He posited that once established in the Yucatan, the Maya had then sailed westward to plant civilizing colonies in Polynesia, Indochina, Burma, the Persian Gulf Babylonia, and even Egypt, and all this centuries before the time of Christ. In support of his position, LePiongeon quoted the 3rd century B.C.E. Hindu epic Ramayana, which told of a conquest of the southern part of Indochina in remote antiquity. He traced Maya routes to India and the Middle East. This may not be as far-fetched as it seems. While we may not think of the Maya as a sea-faring people, Cortes saw Maya cayucoas that were as large as his own ships! Certainly there was Maya commercial coastline traffic that extended down into South America, and the Maya were no strangers to raids from the ocean-going Caribs of Hispaniola. The trans-oceanic voyages of Thor Heyerdahl's Kon-Tiki and Aku-Aku have proven the feasibility of such journeys. The Chaldean historian Besorus wrote that civilization was brought to Mesopotamia by Oannes, coming fron the Persian Gulf. Le Plongeon points out that Oaansa in Maya translates as "he who has his residence in water." The Egyptians claimed that their ancestors were strangers in Egypt, and that they had come across the Isthmus of Suez to settle on the banks of the Nile, bringing the worship of the sun and writing, all several thousand years before what we consider the beginnings of Egyptian history.

The scientific world is cynical about the existence of either the Mu civilization, revealed by Churchward, or the other famous lost continent, Atlantis. However, the same scientific world confirms the world underwent a dramatic geological event 12,000 years ago, when these two continents are claimed to have sunk. Moreover, legends of massive floods are told by tribes and nations almost everywhere in the world, which supports the idea of a cataclysmic event. Further support can be found in many artifacts, the origins of which still cannot be explained—such as some from Egypt, Mayan remains, and the Easter Island civilization—unless you recognize the existence of these lost continental civilizations. 
The Naacal Tablets, include detailed prophecies about the origins of the universe and its emergence. According to these tablets, in the beginning of the universe, there was only the spirit. Afterwards, the space dominated by chaos came into existence out of this spirit. In time, chaos started to give its place to order, and shapeless, dispersed gases in the space clustered together. These gases condensed to form the stars and planets. During this process, first air and then water formed, which covered the earth. Sunlight warmed up the air and water. Lights and fire under the earth raised the ground from under the water, which became open ground.
The sunlight created the eggs of cosmic life (RNA-DNA) inside the water and loam. The first life left the water and spread all over the planet.The astonishing similarity to the modern theories of how the universe and life were created cannot be a coincidence.In addition to the level of civilization attained by our ancestors, this legend shows that their world hardly had its share of peace, as it is in today’s world.
The symbols of the Naacals were mainly comprised of geometric shapes. Naacal teachings proposed that the geometric and architectural qualities of God were of the highest importance in the emergence of the universe. According to the Mu religion, the God was such a sacred being that it could not be mentioned directly. If not expressed by a symbol, ordinary people would not be able to comprehend it. The symbol of this supreme being was the Sun, or in other words, “Ra.” This is the basis for all those misrepresented claims that God is the Sun, as well as the beliefs characterized in sun cults. 
In Naacal teachings, the Sun was not actually God, but rather a symbol selected to make God’s unity and oneness understandable to the masses. Another aim of using symbols was to prevent certain styles of expression from becoming stereotyped by attributing new meanings to the symbols in light of developments, as well as to free the religion from bigotry and dogmas. However as the civilization collapsed and the main source vanished, the symbols themselves became idolized and resulted in the birth of polytheistic religions. Ra-Mu himself was the high priest of this religion, which taught worshipping one God with the help of symbols, as well as the leader of the holy brotherhood. However, the emperor did not have a divine personality and held the title “Son of the Sun” symbolically due to his status only.
Another basis of the Naacal teachings is the theory that four fundamental forces rose out of divine light, drawing the universe from chaos and ordering it. These four fundamental forces, which are deemed to be the principal characteristics of God himself, are also called the “four great constructors,” “four great architects,” and “four great geometry masters.” These four fundamental elements are fire, wind, water and earth.
With the birth of the Abrahamic religions, these four basic elements were named as “four archangels.”The Naacals symbolized these four fundamental forces with a crooked cross. Among the crosses found on the Mexican tablets uncovered by Niven, we see how those with four arms of equal length symbolize the equality of the four forces. The leftward-looking edges of the crooked crosses symbolize good, whereas the rightward-looking ones symbolize evil. It is no coincidence that Hitler, who deeply researched these subjects, chose the crooked cross with its edges looking rightward to be the symbol of his empire.
In looking back at the conceptions of Naacal teachings.
The Mu religion has four main notions:
The God is one. Everything emerged from it, and everything will return to it.
The body and spirit are separate from each other. The body dies and disintegrates, while the spirit never dies.
The spirit is born into different bodies to reach perfection.
When the spirit reaches perfection, it returns to the God and unifies with it.
According to Naacal teachings, God is love itself, and the entire universe is built on this love. However, only the spirits that are able to comprehend this universal love are capable of returning to it. To be a person with these qualities is only possible by becoming a Naacal brother and deeply absorbing the teachings. Naacals acknowledge that only the high priests may reach this stage.
There are a lot of encouraging words about people in the Body of Christ who have not been fully revealed, fully used in their gifts as yet, or who remain “hidden” and yet are accomplishing or who will accomplish so much.... 
I AM THE HIDDEN ONE....we are the many and we are the ancient ones returned, the physical embodiment of the ONENESS PRINCIPAL....It is my job to set fire to the barrier…...So that all may know that within the light I am you and you are me... 
There are so many different aspects of the “Hidden One’s” name. I have given many examples. Perhaps one of the most important is this…. It is not a name…it is a symbolic idea… A “name “ creates separation….it sets me apart from you, from all that is. It is a necessary aspect of this 3-d illusion that the earth school is. To be “ the light, freedom, bridge to –the symbol of life everlasting/heaven—Cindy Carolina Puente-Palma” is who I am in this life, but in reality…my real essence..my true self has no name because I am not separate from you and you are not separate from me. 
We are all ONE and so when the light shines, when all eyes are on me…my true-self is hidden in plain sight… while most of the world sees “CYNDI”… the reality is I am a part of the whole – ONENESS principal of all that is. So for all those that have yet to understand that there is no separation we are in fact all ONE .. I will remain the “Hidden aspect of the ONE”… “THE HIDDEN ONE” 
God’s people may be hidden away because they are not understood. The true Christian is a marvel to other men. He is a stranger and a foreigner among them. He is a plant that never would have grown on earthly mold unless God had planted it there.

Funny isn't how we all sound alike, concepts havent changed...Old Souls the Ancient ones THE HIDDEN ONES such as myself and many others have indeed come out of retirement to serve this planet...as it is time...to bring us all home this time!


Over 500 years ago an accomplished poet and Persian Princess of the Mughal Empire that went by the Pen name THE HIDDEN ONE… wrote about the man she fell in love with. A passion so deep the man glance would pierce through her and unnerve her ….She realized in that moment that every fanatic looking for heavenly bliss through the uncompromising pursuit of their religious, political, or other ideals were mistakenly going down the wrong road. It is not about promises of some happily ever after in some sort of afterlife, but about enjoying those passionate and incredible moments that life has to offer NOW. Everything holy resides in the heart and not in some sort of religious building. We can spend our lives suffering and squandering it away in pursuit of God or realize that God is right here within. There are no books that can adequately describe the powerful energy and excruciating beauty found in unconditional love. It was only until she met this man that she finally understood the true meaning of heavenly bliss. She would gladly wait forever for the tiniest morsel of time with this man, so as to share in this immense beauty. 
It is such a beautiful poem as it a lot of her work, I recognized my old work instantly. Her words were so powerful 500 years later she is still studied by the middle eastern, Islamic and Sufi culture. Just as I see myself in lots of my old lives…before I retired from this earthly plane. I was right back then and I am right now…when I say heavenly bliss is found within. Regardless of what points you inward, a relationship, life circumstances or the simple wisdom of an old soul…how you get there is irrelevant as long as the steps take us inward toward that understanding. 
Coming back here, coming to the understanding I have now, has been scary, painful and is now incredibly beautiful…worth every minute of every minor and insignificant lesson. So much so I feel sorry for those that I left behind, even though I know I shouldn’t. All people will find their way here, but I wish I could share the joy and peace I feel right now…. I found heaven, peace, God everything in myself in this energy nothing or no one will knock me off this blissful high. I am determined to hold this space for anyone that wishes to begin their own internal journey and realize how beautiful life can be once you are free. I have had to learn the hard way, I cannot save everyone and I shouldn't think of it as  a  waste of time by trying but rather take advantage of what I learn from every person and experience. 
For now I will remain thankful for every moment, every second of this new energy…this heavenly bliss. I need nothing, I have everything and yet I can barely describe the intensity of every moment. LIFE IS GOOD….GOD BLESS NOW AND ALWAYS THE HIDDEN ONE