Wednesday, March 20, 2013


I want to share something with you all,  not sure if you will understand how I have been feeling lately, but as of late I have been stuck in a COLD,  DARK,  LACK OF LIGHT sort place that really needs help.   Because of my empathic connections I got sucked into the drama in order to help a human being not get sick..of course all of this was not made clear until now...that said I felt extremely frustrated because my ability to rise above and direct my light is what sets me apart from others...I felt helpless and like I wasn't making enough of an impact....but seeing all these messages on my facebook wall and in my inbox from all over the world made me realize one thing....

In my focus to help a company and group of souls stuck in outdated step on the other to get head mentality,  in desperate need of enlightenment my view became narrowed and centered around those folks that needed me...and when I got sucked into the 3d company drama I felt helpless like I was stuck and not making enough of an impact!  I wanted to go home more than ever...I wanted to throw my hands up in the air and give up on these human beings!!!

But then you all reach out to me from all over the world...far away from this little town of Charlotte ...reach out to me from every country ...every place I have ever felt drawn to and you remind me how much we do all helped me realize that my view was simply too narrow...and all I really needed to do was look around and find you all!!! I LOVE YOU MY GALACTIC FAMILY....Thank you for your efforts to create a world without boundaries, borders but most of all THANK YOU for reminded me how large my family really is...

BIG UPS to all my pleaidean, arcturian, sirian (sirius?) andromedan for all the planets people don't know all the lightworkers, lightwarriors, starseeds of all kinds,  the elementals, the earthbound elders, to the ACODE, The MASH UNITS, The code talkers, the inter- universal banking community, the cosmic computer geeks, the rainbow warriors, the bird tribes, the royal celestial airforce,  blue rays, indigos teens and adults, crystals, grid keepers, watchers,  first, 2nd and 3rd wave volunteers on this planet fighting to bring heaven to earth...  I offer up my undying gratitude for making this world stand up and notice that WE ARE ONE and for reminding me of how much we really do!!!  


XOXOXOXO yours truly your friendly neighborhood Arcturian starseed, Ascended Master and recently brought out of retirement earth volunteer 2nd and 3rd waver-depending on which life time you are counting...  a.k.a. **CYNDI, CAROLINA, PUENTE-PALMA** (**the light being, free man, bridge- to the symbol for life everlasting/heaven/paradise**) --born on the equinox for good reason/the one who serves as a human gateway!!!  


Monday, March 4, 2013


The photo below is Entitled ---UBIQUITY by the artist.

How sweet really,   as it means omnipresence---and describes our multidimensional nature so well.... in fact this photo reminds me so much of my twin soul... for he was incarnated in the 3rd dimension with the power of my soul as his guide and the inverse is also true.

We are here together... on a mission a wonderful one.... and I am blessed to have him as my best friend. It reminds me of the re-write of the Hopi legend where this would be the best description of my Blue Star Kachina.

Meeting up with your incarnated twin flame is no accident. There are no accidents in the universe, so you can be assured that incarnating together was orchestrated, it was carefully planned. And the reason behind it is of such magnitude that is was necessary.

If you need confirmation of this, go to your Akashic records and get it. Most likely you will find the reason you incarnated together is because you have a mission to accomplish now. Don't take this mission lightly, it is very serious, so serious, that you undertook to incarnate together into this dimension of extreme density, and you took the risk that both of you would forget who you are. It is common for one twin to incarnate and the other to remain in the higher dimensions and to act as a beacon of light for the other, not for both to leave the security of the higher dimensions. This is extremely rare!

It is also likely that you are both already 5th dimensional beings. Again, you can get confirmation on this if necessary.   This means you have the knowledge within you to help Mother Earth/Gaia and her people ascend to the 5th dimension.  How can I be so sure? Let me ask you this: What does Gaia and her people need now more than anything? They need the energies of Unconditional Love and Light in order to transcend the density of the third dimension. As twins you have the ability to create the most powerful grid of energy imaginable.   In Archangel Michael's words  "Your ability to create transcends anything the human realm is capable of at this time".  Do you see the significance now?

So what is it like meeting up with your Twin Flame? It's the most incredible feeling of Oneness that you will ever experience whilst in a dense carbon body.  The love you will share is indescribable.  It's nothing at all like human love, its unconditional love that transcends anything you ever felt you knew about love before.  But I didn't say it was going to be a bed of roses.  It is likely that if you incarnated together that one of you is more spiritually advanced than the other.  This can present problems that you imagine you are not ready to deal with.  First off, as your twin awakens, you will have to deal with releasing every little bit of human debris that arises.  That includes dealing with your ego.

There is no place for ego in the Twin Flame relationship because you are naturally vibrating in the energy of unconditional love.  If you are letting your ego get in the way of your relationship, then you are trying to treat your relationship as you would any other human love relationship and it's going to cause conflicting energy.  There is only one way to have a Twin Flame relationship and that is with Unconditional Love.  It has to be without condition, need or limitation, or you will create much misery and unhappiness for yourself.

If you come from a place of unconditional love, it is possible to nurture your Twin Flame relationship and build it into something beautiful and powerful energetically.  Always ask this question before jumping to a conclusion "What would love do now?"   Then listen to the first answer the pops into your heart.  I say your heart and not your mind,  because it's a soft voice and you will have to listen closely.  Stay out of your ego and stay in your heart. Your Twin Flame energy is needed now.  Gaia needs you and so do her people.

(Re-posted - From the Nesara website)


The photo below is Entitled ---UBIQUITY by the artist.

How sweet really,   as it means omnipresence---and describes our multidimensional nature so well.... in fact this photo reminds me so much of my twin soul... for he was incarnated in the 3rd dimension with the power of my soul as his guide and the inverse is also true.

We are here together... on a mission a wonderful one.... and I am blessed to have him as my best friend. It reminds me of the re-write of the Hopi legend where this would be the best description of my Blue Star Kachina.

Meeting up with your incarnated twin flame is no accident. There are no accidents in the universe, so you can be assured that incarnating together was orchestrated, it was carefully planned. And the reason behind it is of such magnitude that is was necessary.

If you need confirmation of this, go to your Akashic records and get it. Most likely you will find the reason you incarnated together is because you have a mission to accomplish now. Don't take this mission lightly, it is very serious, so serious, that you undertook to incarnate together into this dimension of extreme density, and you took the risk that both of you would forget who you are. It is common for one twin to incarnate and the other to remain in the higher dimensions and to act as a beacon of light for the other, not for both to leave the security of the higher dimensions. This is extremely rare!

It is also likely that you are both already 5th dimensional beings. Again, you can get confirmation on this if necessary.   This means you have the knowledge within you to help Mother Earth/Gaia and her people ascend to the 5th dimension.  How can I be so sure? Let me ask you this: What does Gaia and her people need now more than anything? They need the energies of Unconditional Love and Light in order to transcend the density of the third dimension. As twins you have the ability to create the most powerful grid of energy imaginable.   In Archangel Michael's words  "Your ability to create transcends anything the human realm is capable of at this time".  Do you see the significance now?

So what is it like meeting up with your Twin Flame? It's the most incredible feeling of Oneness that you will ever experience whilst in a dense carbon body.  The love you will share is indescribable.  It's nothing at all like human love, its unconditional love that transcends anything you ever felt you knew about love before.  But I didn't say it was going to be a bed of roses.  It is likely that if you incarnated together that one of you is more spiritually advanced than the other.  This can present problems that you imagine you are not ready to deal with.  First off, as your twin awakens, you will have to deal with releasing every little bit of human debris that arises.  That includes dealing with your ego.

There is no place for ego in the Twin Flame relationship because you are naturally vibrating in the energy of unconditional love.  If you are letting your ego get in the way of your relationship, then you are trying to treat your relationship as you would any other human love relationship and it's going to cause conflicting energy.  There is only one way to have a Twin Flame relationship and that is with Unconditional Love.  It has to be without condition, need or limitation, or you will create much misery and unhappiness for yourself.

If you come from a place of unconditional love, it is possible to nurture your Twin Flame relationship and build it into something beautiful and powerful energetically.  Always ask this question before jumping to a conclusion "What would love do now?"   Then listen to the first answer the pops into your heart.  I say your heart and not your mind,  because it's a soft voice and you will have to listen closely.  Stay out of your ego and stay in your heart. Your Twin Flame energy is needed now.  Gaia needs you and so do her people.

(Re-posted - From the Nesara website)

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Number Prompts and their meanings....

Many of us are seeing this repeating numbers lately on clocks, addresses, license plates etc.  I thought I would give you all a little more insight as to what they all mean. When you all begin to notice the patterns, the uncanny way you just happen to look up at the clock at exactly the same time...etc  Below are some of the more commonly seen prompts, I found channeled from a fellow starseed's blog.

1234, 234, 345- If you are repeatedly seeing ascending number sequences such as 1234, this is a sign from your Spirit Guides that these are progressive thoughts.  You will see this sign when thinking about an area of your life that you are concerned about and want to change, or thinking about a particular subject.  Seeing this number sequence immediately after these thoughts is a sign that your thoughts are progressive; your life will progress by following these thoughts and you will have your Spirit Guides support in its pursuit.
4321 - If you are repeatedly seeing descending number sequences such as 4321, this is a sign from your Spirit Guides that your thoughts are regressive.  You will see this sign when you are thinking about an area of you life, course of action or subject.  Seeing this number sequence immediately after such thoughts is an indication that your life will take a step backwards if you follow the course of action you are considering or continuing with such a train of thought.

111- is commonly seen as the "make a wish" prompt, when this number is seen we should watch our thoughts as they are creating what we are thinking at this time very rapidly.  Your thoughts are creating rapidly while you're in high dimension.

222-This signifies the 2nd dimension. It is very commonly seen ,to signify a transformation in which our polarities will integrate.  When a person sees this or many 2's together it means there is something inside which is about to be learned and transformed.  It is a prompt for DNA emotional clearing.  Shortly after seeing this prompt a person may experience a deep depression or anguish over something in which it seems like plunging into hell. You are going temporarily into the second dimension, we are anchored in the third mostly while in flesh bodies so this is going "down."  Time alone will be needed to process the emotional wound from the past and the thought process or false perception causing the pain. Usually it's a false perception about ourselves. Then we rise again with new hope and a greater outlook. It is the symbol of the Phoenix and the butterfly transforming into something more beautiful.

333- signifies a balanced 3rd dimension, Christ consciousness, truth, the ability to see things from God's point of view.  this number sign is about compassion. Usually seen when a person has deep thought about something and sees it from the highest perspective. It's a big YES signal. It signifies the self as a balanced and healthy ego.

444- 4th dimension signifying thought or emotion.  It is also  very common and it  signifies the harvest, something which was sown will be reaped or something that will pay off.  Usually this is a good thing, that  is being reaped from efforts.  Paying attention to other signs with this one will help to know what it's about.  For example if seen with an 11:11 it may mean reaping something with twin flames. Or pay attention to any synchronicity at the time of seeing the prompt. also this prompt will often be seen at the end of a transformation after seeing 222.  444 signals the benefit reaped from the emotional clearing and the end of the healing cycle.

555- 5th dimension or the  turning point- This symbolizes a turning point or point of return in one's life.  Something is switching over to it's antithesis. Or there's a cycle in life which is changing to it's opposite. For example a cycle of learning may be finished and switching to a cycle of teaching on the same matter. It signals the point of the change.

666- 6th dimension, third eye, I have seen it often on a register as change and money is exchanged. The 6th dimension is associated with the chakra of the "third eye."  This is the last chakra contained inside the flesh body before reaching the merkaba connection at the 7th dimension.  The 7th chakra is the first one which transcends the flesh.  It's for this reason that 666 is associated with being stuck in the flesh and any oppressive powers seeking to keep people stuck there. Also why 7 is considered God's number.

777- 7th dimension, the first chakra to transcend the flesh body is associated with 7th or crown chakra.  It's said when reaching this level one's Kundalini energies from bottom going up and top going down connect for the first time.  It may be simply to signal us we are being taken care of. Or a signal of the connection bringing peace. It definitely signals one has transcended the flesh and made initial connection to the higher realms. One's psychic ability will kick in as well around this time.

717- Signifies Sexual union,  It is associated with the trials of  uniting with our twin flame. The 717 is a signal of liaison, romance and a sexual affair.  It signals information about a possible sexual union.  Often it was seen around the time an opportunity for such a union was beginning to come together. This union doesn't necessarily mean between twin flames only as the prompt was seen for relationships with non twins too.

888- 8th dimension, higher psychic ability, this number represents Infinity consciousness, usually seen when a person is in contact with very high realms and first experiencing the ability to understand time/space and all the dimensions of consciousness at once as being connected to each other.   Often a person feels a serenity and sees a vision like a matrix with many possible "points" to travel along creating possibilities for this world or visual layers of flowing time. The way these layers interact together in a flow is the main idea. The awareness of infinity. between 7 and 8 one will be receiving spiritual messages from Angelic guides.

999- 9th dimension, divine justice, Archangel Michael and his crew are taking care of something in which justice is needed.  Seen after asking for justice in a personal matter, or for mankind as a society.  Often seen around political events where the people win freedom. Sometimes seen as a signal that work has begun on a matter which justice was asked for. Balance brings divine justice so seeing balance in things and desiring to bring that will naturally happen when seeing this.  Usually after seeing the infinity of the 8th dimension one balances it in 9th.  33 may also be seen during this time as it is Archangel Michael's number.

10:10-  10th dimension of consciousness, This is the mirror image sign. prompting that the viewer is in sync with time/ space. also seen around the time of twin flames and during awakening. This signals something you've asked about is about to be revealed to you. You're reaching the highest levels of consciousness.

11:11 - signifies the mirror image of Heaven and Earth and our connection to it. Seeing it means we are awakened to the 11th dimension of consciousness. It seems to be the "bridge/Puente", often seen during awakening.  Also of course seen around the time we are to meet or recognize or own mirror image, our twin flame.  Our twin flame is split in consciousness from our single soul at the 11th dimension when using a 12 dimensional scale.   It has also been associated with a group of 111 angels called Midwayers.  Quite possible that these angels are the first to connect to us. Some of the Midwayers are Arcturian or Pleiadian. 111- similar to 11:11  the Midwayer Angels or possibly others signaling a sign from above.

12:12, 11:22, 12:21-  the two highest master numbers in numerology are 11 and it's higher octave 22. These signify the highest levels of spirituality in numbers. Seeing these signifies that you are connected and developed in spirit. You are connected to the highest realms and vibrations. Twin Flames are associated with these numbers.  Thoughts are creating rapidly and the mirror image of situations in life is being noticed in God's matrix of creation. 

The Sacred Fire of Love...

Love & Trust, the ultimate act of submission from one human being to another, something that can cost us so much in life, to just give away.

It is something that is given so freely by others and yet my inability to do so eludes me?

It remains buried deep inside me, behind the closed locked doors of my sacred heart.

It is the ultimate paradox that lives and breathes within, being something unintentionally evasive, hidden in plain sight, powerful and humble all at once.

I live with this deliciously tormenting and feverish unrest, this passionate fire of divine love that threatens to consume me within it's eternally sacred flame.

Hardly able to resist the desire to destroy every binding and protective layer with complete and total abandonment.

Yet stopping cold, sadly remembering all the poor helpless souls drawn like moths unable to resist the flame.

I regrettably witnessed all who were unintentionally ravished and burned by the tremendous life force I hold within.

This blinding light can be both the sure fire destruction of a fragile ego and the divine purification of an unencumbered soul.

For those unsure of which, this mental thirst shall remain the deep-burning unquenchable force and true essence of my divine nature...

I am the Hidden One...Ascended Master, Cosmic Father and Divine Female Warrior... unconditionally devoted to being of loving service to all....