I want to share something with you all, not sure if you will understand how I have been feeling lately, but as of late I have been stuck in a COLD, DARK, LACK OF LIGHT sort place that really needs help. Because of my empathic connections I got sucked into the drama in order to help a human being not get sick..of course all of this was not made clear until now...that said I felt extremely frustrated because my ability to rise above and direct my light is what sets me apart from others...I felt helpless and like I wasn't making enough of an impact....but seeing all these messages on my facebook wall and in my inbox from all over the world made me realize one thing....
In my focus to help a company and group of souls stuck in outdated step on the other to get head mentality, in desperate need of enlightenment my view became narrowed and centered around those folks that needed me...and when I got sucked into the 3d company drama I felt helpless like I was stuck and not making enough of an impact! I wanted to go home more than ever...I wanted to throw my hands up in the air and give up on these human beings!!!
But then you all reach out to me from all over the world...far away from this little town of Charlotte ...reach out to me from every country ...every place I have ever felt drawn to and you remind me how much we do together...you all helped me realize that my scope...my view was simply too narrow...and all I really needed to do was look around and find you all!!! I LOVE YOU MY GALACTIC FAMILY....Thank you for your efforts to create a world without boundaries, borders but most of all THANK YOU for reminded me how large my family really is...
BIG UPS to all my pleaidean, arcturian, sirian (sirius?) andromedan for all the planets people don't know exist...to all the lightworkers, lightwarriors, starseeds of all kinds, the elementals, the earthbound elders, to the ACODE, The MASH UNITS, The code talkers, the inter- universal banking community, the cosmic computer geeks, the rainbow warriors, the bird tribes, the royal celestial airforce, blue rays, indigos teens and adults, crystals, grid keepers, watchers, first, 2nd and 3rd wave volunteers on this planet fighting to bring heaven to earth... I offer up my undying gratitude for making this world stand up and notice that WE ARE ONE and for reminding me of how much we really do!!!
In my focus to help a company and group of souls stuck in outdated step on the other to get head mentality, in desperate need of enlightenment my view became narrowed and centered around those folks that needed me...and when I got sucked into the 3d company drama I felt helpless like I was stuck and not making enough of an impact! I wanted to go home more than ever...I wanted to throw my hands up in the air and give up on these human beings!!!
But then you all reach out to me from all over the world...far away from this little town of Charlotte ...reach out to me from every country ...every place I have ever felt drawn to and you remind me how much we do together...you all helped me realize that my scope...my view was simply too narrow...and all I really needed to do was look around and find you all!!! I LOVE YOU MY GALACTIC FAMILY....Thank you for your efforts to create a world without boundaries, borders but most of all THANK YOU for reminded me how large my family really is...
BIG UPS to all my pleaidean, arcturian, sirian (sirius?) andromedan for all the planets people don't know exist...to all the lightworkers, lightwarriors, starseeds of all kinds, the elementals, the earthbound elders, to the ACODE, The MASH UNITS, The code talkers, the inter- universal banking community, the cosmic computer geeks, the rainbow warriors, the bird tribes, the royal celestial airforce, blue rays, indigos teens and adults, crystals, grid keepers, watchers, first, 2nd and 3rd wave volunteers on this planet fighting to bring heaven to earth... I offer up my undying gratitude for making this world stand up and notice that WE ARE ONE and for reminding me of how much we really do!!!
HOME GUYS ...PROPHECY IS UPON US, WE DECLARED IT LONG AGO, we taught them who to pray and to ask everyday for heaven on earth... NOW TIME TO
XOXOXOXO yours truly your friendly neighborhood Arcturian starseed, Ascended Master and recently brought out of retirement earth volunteer 2nd and 3rd waver-depending on which life time you are counting... a.k.a. **CYNDI, CAROLINA, PUENTE-PALMA** (**the light being, free man, bridge- to the symbol for life everlasting/heaven/paradise**) --born on the equinox for good reason/the one who serves as a human gateway!!!